The legendary NWU arch juxtaposed by green trees 和 blue sky.


Your personal NWU Admission portal provides a checklist of items specific to you. Use the same username 和 password you created to apply to NWU. 物品可能不会立即显示为收到. Please allow at least three business days for items to be posted.


(402) 465-2218
招生 [at] (招生[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


祝贺你,欢迎你来到北吴! 既然是正式的,下面是要做的事情和截止日期. Completing these tasks on time will ensure a smoother transition to campus this fall.

If you are transferring to NWU from another institution, see the page for 转学录取学生





Once you've made your deposit, you will receive an email from "内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 <还没回答 [at] (还没回答[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)> with the subject line "Welcome to Okta at 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学!激活你内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的账户. 这将允许您十大网络娱乐平台排名您的NWU电子邮件, 自助服务, NWU学生可以使用Canvas和其他帐户.

NOTE: Your Nebraska Wesleyan email account is different than the email account you used to create your application 和 access your personal NWU Admission Portal.


Your academic advisor will use this information to learn more about your interests 和 goals to aid in developing your first semester schedule.

完成 第一学期辅导问卷.


The 现代语言背景调查 helps us determine the best language class for you. The survey asks questions about languages you speak or have studied, as well as your interest in continuing your language study at NWU. 每个学生都必须完成这项调查, even if you’ve met the proficiency requirement 和 don’t plan to continue your language study at NWU.

完成 现代语言背景调查


If you’ve submitted your deposit 和 completed your 第一学期辅导问卷, 现代语言背景调查 和 activated your NWU account, you will receive an email with a link to schedule your class registration appointment with your advisor. Please allow 3–5 business days for the email to arrive following the completion of all steps. 

任命将于5月9日至6月6日举行. Plenty of appointments are available to fit within your schedule.

国际学生: You will have an advising appointment on a rolling basis throughout the summer after the F-1 Student Visa is secured.


要求你的高中提交你的官方文件, final high school transcript with your graduation date listed 和 confirmed. Final transcripts must be submitted by the following methods:

  • 通过美国发送的纸质副本.S. 邮政服务.
  • 以电子方式通过批准的服务.

We do not accept high school transcripts by any other delivery method or from anyone other than your high school administrators.

Transcripts containing completed, college-level coursework must also be submitted.


Parent 和 family information from New Student Orientation

如果你不能出席, 或者想查看一下信息, 以下是来自国家统计局的资源资料:



This form informs us of your NWU housing preferences or plans to reside at home or off-campus with an approved exemption. Every student must complete this form, even if you qualify for an exemption.

提交您的住房偏好使用 房屋申请表格.

Complete your commuter certification (if applicable) before the July 15 deadline

If you will live at home with a parent(s) or guardian(s) you need to submit this form.

提交 通勤证明表格.


Upload a photo to be used on your student ID 和 our “New Faces” booklet of incoming students, 哪些将在学期开始时分发. 照片必须符合以下条件:

  • 你当前的彩色照片.
  • White smooth background – no other people or objects in photo.
  • 光线充足,没有阴影.
  • 前视图-正面填充至少80%的框架.
  • 从头顶上方剪到锁骨.
  • 眼睛睁开,清晰可见,眼镜不刺眼.
  • 不戴帽子或太阳镜.
  • 5mb限制.
  • 可接受的文件类型是gif, jpg, jpeg, png或svg.

上传你的 学生证照片.


如果你打算在校园内停车, you will need to provide information on your vehicle’s make, 型号和车牌号. 此信息将用于发放NWU停车标签.

提交你的 停车标签申请. (You will need to first activate your NWU account to submit the 停车标签申请 form.)

提交你的 room 和 board contract before the August 1 deadline

You will receive a housing 和 roommate assignment via your NWU email in early July. You will need to sign 和 date the accompanying “Room 和 Board Contract” to formally reserve your space in the residence halls. If you are under the age of 19, a parent/guardian must sign the contract as well.


提交你的 Medical History Report before the July 15 deadline

Use your Nebraska Wesleyan account information to log in to the 北吴大学学生健康门户网站 要完成 病史表格. Once you log in, you will see two forms that you need to complete: 病史表格免疫史表. These forms gather health 和 immunization history for incoming students. We recommend reaching out to your medical provider to gather your health 和 vaccination records prior to completing these reports.

提交你的 Immunization History Report before the July 15 deadline

Use your Nebraska Wesleyan account information to log in to the 北吴大学学生健康门户网站 要完成 免疫史表. Once you log in, you will see two forms that you need to complete: 病史表格免疫史表. These forms gather health 和 immunization history for incoming students. We recommend reaching out to your medical provider to gather your health 和 vaccination records prior to completing these reports.

Complete your 新生易读性申请 (if applicable) 

NWU is committed to providing access to educational opportunities 和 full participation in the campus community. 一旦你提交了这个表单, Accessibility Services staff will contact you to arrange an intake interview 和 determine reasonable accommodations.

提交 新生易读性申请


Review your tuition statement 和 payment plan options 和 apply for federal loans

Information on Federal Direct Loans is included in the financial aid offer mailed to your home address. Parents 和 students will receive information on how to apply for the Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan during New Student Orientation in June. 关于贷款的更多信息可以在这里找到 资助办事处网页.

We will send information in mid-July about your tuition bill 和 steps to finalize payment plans. 秋季学期的付款截止日期是8月30日星期五.


You will receive an email after class registration about on-campus jobs. 你可以在网站上搜索和申请工作 握手,该校职业规划平台. Most student employment positions are posted within the first two weeks of August.


  • 国际学生抵达人数: 不迟于8月19日星期一
  • 新的国际学生定位: 8月20日星期二
  • 入学: 8月21日星期三
  • 欢迎草原狼: 星期三,8月21日-星期天,8月25日
  • 第一天上课: 8月26日星期一
